“Tom is one of a new breed of 21st century ‘psalmists;’ bringing a fresh breeze of spiritual depth and vitality to the Church. He and Deanna model the kind and quality of young leadership we can all be thankful for.”
— Dr. Jack W. Hayford, Chancellor of The Kings University
“I know Tom personally… he is a man of integrity and possesses a powerful gift of faith.”
— The Honorable Sam Brownback, Governor of Kansas
“I consider Tom Demaree’s vision of the Pentecost Walk to be as remarkable as Tom’s devotion and resolve to fulfill it. His calling by God is unmistakable. I recommend all Christians whom own a passion to see revival come to America, to join Tom and others on this journey of remembrance, repentance and restoration.”
— Dr. Bob Bakke, Teaching Pastor Hillside Church, Bloomington, MN
“I strongly support Tom Demaree’s prayerwalk and the National Prayer of Repentance. His vision is to light fires of repentance across the land, typical of the grass-roots efforts that kindled America’s great past revivals. May the fire from heaven fall upon this ministry.”
— Rev. Peter Marshall, Co-Author, The Light and The Glory
“Tom Demaree is for real… I count it a privilege to have Tom as a partner in ministry and most of all as a friend. I and many of my people will be prayerwalking with Tom again this summer.”
— Nate Atwood, Lead Pastor, Kempsville Presbyterian Church, Virginia Beach, VA
“I am excited by the vision the Lord has given Tom! I pray for God’s People to come alongside the Pentecost Walk in support and encouragement. Lord, send a Revival that transforms us, and our nation!”
— Sarah Lowe, South/Central National Area Leader, National Day of Prayer
“We believe not only in this mission but we believe in the vision God put in its founder, my friend Tom Demaree, that genuine repentance would revive every pulpit… I want that for MY pulpit, and every other pulpit within my realm of influence. Tom’s passion towards this purpose is infectious and convicting. The God that we serve is faithful to those who are hearers AND doers of his word. I am honored to be a friend and a witness to the ordained work of Pentecost Walk.”
— David Freshour, Senior Pastor, Chevy Chase Baptist Church, Washington DC
“I am happy to say that, 1) I agree with your project to encourage believers to participate, and that 2) I concur with the [National Prayer of Repentance] prayer…”
— D. James Kenney, PhD, Founder Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
“It is with great joy that I have the opportunity to recommend to you the ministry of Tom and Deanna Demaree. They have lived their lives in Christ believing that the transforming love of God, the convicting and confirming ministry of the Holy Spirit and power of the Gospel will change an individual life and can impact an entire community. As I have observed their lives and ministry, it seems that everything about them seeks to introduce people to Jesus and help them become His disciples. Their love for Jesus, their passion for the health and vitality of God’s people, their prophetic gifts, their integrity and their shepherd’s hearts have blessed the Foursquare Church and I believe their ministry will bless you.”
— Dr. James C. Scott Jr., Director Foursquare Missions International | Vice-President Global Operations