We’ve received millions of “amens” on this, from brothers and sisters of every color and custom throughout America and beyond.
National Prayer of Repentance
As Resolved by Proclamation in the 117th Congress of the United States of America
In the Year of Our Lord, 2022—A Year of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer
A Letter to the President
Dear Mr. President:
Just as an artist combines reds and blues to create royal hues of purple, we believe when WE THE PEOPLE come under the Master’s hand, we transcend the polarizing frailty of humanity, as we bow before the reconciling Majesty of God. Here, in glorious harmony with Him and one another, we are given a "first of all" priority, to pray for all people, especially those He has empowered with governmental authority.
And so, with the utmost respect for your charge before God, unto the highest office in the free world, I faithfully pray for you. Knowing God will honor those who honor Him, that lasting peace, prosperity, and justice are His rewards for righteousness—attainable only through His mercy—I find my prayers for you inextricably linked to my prayers for us all. Therefore, I humbly invite you to stand in agreement with millions of believers worldwide, brothers and sisters of every color-and-custom across this great nation and beyond, who are interceding for America right now.
This is our prayer:
ALMIGHTY GOD, we thank You and praise You for Your unending mercy and grace poured out upon our nation. You have delivered us in times of war, reunited us after conflicts among ourselves, and filled our lives with such abundance, Your blessings overflow our borders.
Yet still, we take You for granted. We come before You now, in desperate need of Your forgiveness. We confess that the liberty You so graciously gave us has become a license to do as we please. Our culture mocks You; our highest courts are esteemed above Your Word. We’ve traded genuine spirituality for temporary pleasure, true virtue for hollow celebrity. We teach our children self-indulgence, yet stand mystified at the blood on their hands. We lust after material things, yet wonder why our souls are empty. We lament the walls that divide us, even as we segregate ourselves from one another.
Revive us, O Lord. Your Presence is our only hope. Impart to us Your passion for good over evil. As we humble ourselves and seek Your face, forgive us O God, and heal us. Make us ONE, that America would be the land You envisioned from the beginning—a beacon of hope lifted to the world, a people free to serve You, and one another, in genuine love.
In the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—in the name of Jesus we pray, AMEN.
Mr. President, only by God’s wisdom, can you decree justice. As I continue to pray for you and your family, may the Lord increase your wisdom and influence, as you seek Him with all your heart.
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“I will speak of Your decrees before kings and not be ashamed.” – Psalm 119:46
"Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"